2021-12-01 Fixed wrong POD of TransitionAction::AppointmentCreate.
2021-11-30 Added _ReplaceAdditionalAttributes to ProcessManagement/TransitionAction.
2021-11-29 Fixed POD of Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::DynamicFieldRemove::Run.
2021-11-26 Fixed error "Parameter 'Config' must be a hash ref with data!" (#173). Thanks to @meisterheister. #173
2021-11-25 Removed error log if !IsHashRefWithData( Config ) in SanitizeConfig. This is to strict and not needed.
2021-11-25 Sector Nord AG: Replaced hardcoded attributes with a dynamic Sysconfig in Kernel/System/Ticket/Event/NotificationEvent.pm (#171). Thanks to @LuBroering (Lukas Bröring SectorNord AG). #171
2021-11-25 Add option '--no-tablespaces' to scripts/backup.pl (#136). Thanks to @meisterheister. #136
2021-11-25 Prevents error message "no TicketID" on sending an answer if no TicketID exists (#133). Thanks to @Reedu. #133
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