Alle Neuigkeiten rund um die Sector Nord AG

Sector Nord AG News

i-doit 30

von Michael Rütten

Changelog i-doit pro 30

[Task][Update] i-doit 30 is only updateable from i-doit 29
[Task][Two-Factor Authentication] Make TFA only available in i-doit pro
[Task][Code (Internal)] Replace all places where the old replace_placeholder method is being used with the new Replacer Component
[Task][Code (Internal)] Deprecate WYSIWYG Smarty plugin parameter "p_image_upload_handler", please use "fileUploadUrl"
[Task][Code (Internal)] Deprecate WYSIWYG Smarty plugin parameter "p_image_browser_handler", please use "fileBrowseUrl"
[Task][Code (Internal)] Update WYSIWYG editor to use proper upload and browse URLs
[Task][CMDB] Restructure nested 'Extras' menu
[Task][Console] Add additional way to perform i-doit update with admin center credentials
[Task][Validation] Add checkbox to attribute settings to delete multiple attributes at once
[Task][CMDB settings] Make object type sorting alphabetically for new installations
[Task][License installation (i-doit)] Notification when license is successfully installed
[Improvement][Code (Internal)] Support MariaDB 10.11
[Improvement][CMDB] Add object type to list of "Assigned Objects (person groups)" (in Organization)
[Improvement][Validation] Create a configuration page to combine validation and attribute visibility
[Improvement][JDisc] JDisc - AccessPoint Filter
[Improvement][JDisc] Import of power state from JDisc
[Improvement][JDisc] Ignore default MAC addresses
[Improvement][JDisc] More information about the reason for a failed connection to the JDisc Server
[Bug][Lists] Date field info when searching with all field option
[Bug][Lists] Filter for reports is not properly removed
[Bug][Lists] Cannot edit list view for assigned clusters
[Bug][Report-Manager] Dates in reports are not sorted correct for german language
[Bug][Report-Manager] Using != operator for dialog+ fields does not include empty(Null) objects
[Bug][Report-Manager] 500error when selecting certain report in object browser
[Bug][Report-Manager] Location path LIKE %...% not working correctly
[Bug][Report-Manager] CSV or TXT file from report displaying breaks
[Bug][Report-Manager] Duplicating reports causes umlaut at title to be displayed as HTML
[Bug][Report-Manager] Report for contact assignment shows 0 matches but actually has matches
[Bug][Report-Manager] Report Manager - Service Relation (description) causes sql error
[Bug][Report-Manager] Templates are not displayed when the for e.g. Nagios Add-on is installed
[Bug][Report-Manager] The encoding of umlauts are displayed in report titles at the database
[Bug][Code (Internal)] Counter are not counting
[Bug][Code (Internal)] After importing a custom language a login is no longer possible
[Bug][Code (Internal)] Object type icons are not loaded
[Bug][Code (Internal)] Wrong date format popup is displayed for every date attribute in the object list
[Bug][Code (Internal)] Installing an add-on displays a unhelpful error message when the rights are not set correct
[Bug][Code (Internal)] Date of change not updated for contact assignment(role/primary)
[Bug][Code (Internal)] FQDN Objekt Matching Key finds duplicate entries
[Bug][Code (Internal)] Javascript rounding error in 'Memory' category
[Bug][Code (Internal)] Existing templates takes a long time to load
[Bug][Code (Internal)] Wiki-URL icon messes up field width at accounting
[Bug][Code (Internal)] Correctly display changed logbook values
[Bug][API] SQL error when reading dialog via API
[Bug][API] Enable user to fill custom dialog+ fields via push api
[Bug][API] When using for category = C__CATG__IP and property = zone, one level too much and a empty entry is output
[Bug][API] Do not re-create already existing multi dialog+ values
[Bug][CMDB] Properties "Size" and "Max size" in category "Databases" contain unrounded values
[Bug][CMDB] Saving tags in the general category via api does not create a logbook entry
[Bug][CMDB] Segmented slots are not displayed correctly in the rack
[Bug][CMDB] Segment does not provide slots for the back
[Bug][CMDB] Syntax error when loading a ip network in the host address category
[Bug][CMDB] Saving ip address with space at the end api
[Bug][CMDB] Creating CPU with frequency 3.5 and no unit via API leads to wrong data
[Bug][CMDB] Allow user to access person group objects
[Bug][CMDB] The end of a contract field can not be emptied
[Bug][CMDB] Cluster service assignment throws TypeError
[Bug][CMDB] It is not possible to save memory values above 90.95 TB
[Bug][CMDB] Network - Port entries are not displayed on overview page
[Bug][CMDB] Category 'Certificate' does not use labels
[Bug][Security] Cache rights after a change
[Bug][CSV Import] Assigning a Layer 3-Net to a Layer 2 Net via Layer-3-net assignment leads to general error
[Bug][CSV Import] Setting "Multi-valued categories" to row for CSV Import causes some data to not get imported
[Bug][CSV Import] Umlauts and special characters are not processed correctly in the csv export of the list view when in the description field
[Bug][CSV Import] CSV-Import does not count objects correctly
[Bug][System settings] The expert settings show some internal settings
[Bug][LDAP] Cant login via ldap when ldap.default-group has a string value
[Bug][LDAP] LDAP sync groupsynchronisation fills up log without any changes
[Bug][LDAP] Import_rooms via ldap-sync does not work with camelCase
[Bug][JDisc] Import objects from JDisc objects via file with IPv6 addresses
[Bug][JDisc] Importing a JDisc profile leads to foreign key constraint fails error message which is not logged
[Bug][JDisc] Import does not include all IPv4 addresses when Import type for DHCP IP addresses is set to with update
[Bug][JDisc] JDisc mapping error
[Bug][JDisc] default cmdb status is not set during jdisc import
[Bug][JDisc] JDISC Profile Setting "Include Clusters" does have no affect
[Bug][Import] A duplicate is created despite the error message from validation
[Bug][Import] XML Import runs into php error
[Bug][Custom categories] Custom categories are viewed as empty in the category tree when newly filled and when hide button is active
[Bug][Custom categories] Show html code from html editor correctly
[Bug][Validation] Textarea in 'Address' category can not save multiline content
[Bug][Validation] Categories and attributes missing for cluster when hiding attributes
[Bug][Validation] Do not allow user to resize attribute settings table
[Bug][Validation] Validate entries for standard LDAP group -> Only numbers and commas
[Bug][Validation] Reset attribute settings filter correctly
[Bug][Console] PHP error when command configuration is malformed
[Bug][Console] Adjust result status of tenant creation command
[Bug][Notifications] Some placeholder not working in notifications
[Bug][Notifications] Use default value if setSortDirection is not set
[Bug][List editing] TypeError when list editing objects
[Bug][QR-Codes] Using report for a QR Code template not possible at object browser
[Bug][QR-Codes] HTML in QR-Code templates not saved
[Bug][Categories] There are two Specific categories Installation available
[Bug][Categories] Rename category "Chassis cabeling" to "Chassis cabling"
[Bug][Categories] Rename category and folder "Database hierachy" to "Database hierarchy"
[Bug][CMDB settings] Allow user to use breadcrumb when editing object types
[Bug][CMDB settings] The description of "Display passwords" setting is incorrect
[Bug][Templates] Mass change template information can be dragged vertically
[Bug][Dashboard] Info popups when removing widgets is not going away
[Bug][CMDB-Explorer] Image file in the CMDB-Explorer is not loaded

Von Andreas Gerliz, (Kommentare: 0)

Alle Auszubildenden übernommen

Dieses Jahr stellten sich drei Auszubildende der Sector Nord AG der IHK Abschlussprüfung. Morten Urban (Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung), Matthias Bouws (Fachinformatiker Systemintegration) und Martin Haubold (IT-Systemkaufmann) zählen zu den Besten ihres Fachbereichs und haben erfolgreich ihre Prüfungen bestanden.

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Von Martin Haubold, (Kommentare: 0)

CeBIT 2016

Die CeBIT 2016 war als Branchenhighlight erneut ein wichtiger Impulsgeber für uns. Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei allen Besuchern unseres Standes für das positive Feedback und zahlreiche neue Ideen und ziehen eine durchweg positive Messebilanz. Jetzt freuen wir uns auf die intensive Zusammenarbeit mit neuen Kontakten, die wir geknüpft haben und in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten ausbauen werden.

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