Znuny LTS 6.5.9
von Michael Rütten

- 2024-06-19 Fixed home directory check in AdminSystemFiles to work with symbolic links.
- 2024-06-07 Fixed value used for owner lookup in AgentTicketProcess. Thanks to Falko Saller (@falkos). #556
- 2024-05-28 Fixed caching for queue updates.
- 2024-05-17 Fixed session handling while saving user preferences.
- 2024-04-29 Updated default values of PublicFrontend::FooterLinks.
- 2024-04-24 Fixed regular expression in Kernel::System::HTMLUtils::LinkQuote which could lead to long execution times.
- 2024-04-22 Integrated package Znuny4OTRS-BugfixCustomerUserDBPasswordCryptType.
- 2024-04-19 Added support for two factor auth token parameter to generic interface. Thanks to Flávio Marta (@CallMeFlanby). #502
- 2024-04-18 Fixed smart tag replacement for article subjects in process activity dialogs.
- 2024-04-18 Improved AJAX subactions for AgentTicketEmailOutbound.
- 2024-04-16 Fixed CSS class used for showing sort order of dynamic fields in customer ticket overview.
- 2024-04-04 Removed links to unsupported user modification functions from system configuration settings dialog.