Znuny LTS 6.5.4
von Michael Rütten

- 2023-08-22 Fixed - Option 'Customer User' should have no breadcrumb and should not show actions.
- 2023-08-17 Updated JS libraries jQuery, jQuery UI and Moment.js.
- 2023-08-17 Added missing default search for Responsible Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch###Defaults###ResponsibleID.
- 2023-08-16 Fixed XSS issue with customer ID in AdminCustomerUser dialog. Thanks to Tim Püttmanns (@tipue-dev), maxence, for reporting.
- 2023-08-11 Updated protocol to https for a secured communitation with gravatar.com.
- 2023-08-11 Fixed SelectAll function in AdminDynamicFieldScreenConfiguration. Select only all visible elements.
- 2023-08-11 Added additional note to DynamicFields::ScreenConfiguration::ConfigKeysOfScreensByObjectType###Framework for AgentTicketSearch (DynamicField|DefaultColumns).
- 2023-08-11 Fixed - Installing a package with dependency not possible - Added additional check if any problem exists - means if any package or module is not installed.
- 2023-08-11 Changed default value of Frontend::AvatarEngine to None.
- 2023-08-07 Fixed missing $ on StartDateTimeObject -> $StartDateTimeObject (#475). Thanks to @LuBroering (Lukas Bröring Sector Nord AG). PR#475.
- 2023-08-07 Fixed description for SysConfig Setting 'Stats::UseAgentElementInStats' and 'Stats::UseInvalidAgentInStats'.
- 2023-08-07 Fixed message subject prefill on Activity dialog only works for Agent. #363
- 2023-08-04 Fixed auto-selection of first found element in dynamic field web service single-select dropdown.
- 2023-08-03 Fixed Bug - Snippets not sorted by name in search results. #473
- 2023-08-02 Fixed Popup profile positioning. Thanks to Paweł Bogusławski (@pboguslawski). #432
- 2023-07-31 Fixed Draft Issue - Using the draft fails if there are any dynamic fields configured as mandatory for the screen where the draft is used.
- 2023-07-27 Fixed remove of mention and unnecessary errors in the log. Thanks to Tim Püttmanns (@tipue-dev), maxence. PR#295
- 2023-07-27 Sector Nord AG: Fixed responsible user id during appointment ticket creation. Thanks to Marc Pahnke (@MarcPahnke), Sector Nord AG. #325
- 2023-07-26 Fixed encoding problem with URL parameters in AdminPostMasterFilter and AdminGenericAgent.
- 2023-07-25 Fixed search limitations for AgentTicketWatchView. #372
- 2023-07-24 Fixed removal of all permissions of a user if LDAP auth sync is being executed without any configured group or role definition.
- 2023-07-21 Fixed double encoding for dynamic field values in linked-tickets-table. Thanks to Tim Püttmanns (@tipue-dev), maxence. PR#300
- 2023-07-20 Fixed select fields not being modernized in ticket overview dialogs.
- 2023-07-20 Added system address check for customer email address given in AgentTicketPhone.
- 2023-07-13 Fixed calendar appointment creation: Missing scrollbar at low resolution / high zoom.
- 2023-07-11 Fixed mentions for deleted tickets. Thanks to Tim Püttmanns (@tipue-dev), maxence. PR#458
- 2023-07-10 Added console command to import dynamic fields and dynamic field screens configuration.
- 2023-07-07 Fixed email address shown in user's avatar preferences when editing the preferences of another user (not the own user).
- 2023-07-04 Fixed - Incorrect display of empty HTML article body. Thanks to Paweł Bogusławski (@pboguslawski). #438
- 2023-07-04 Sector Nord AG: Fixed Calendar appointment plugin AppointmentID data type. Thanks to Sector Nord AG (@LuBroering - Lukas Bröring). #308
- 2023-07-04 Fixed - Line breaks in processes when richtext disabled. Used ->{BrowserRichText}. Thanks to Timotheus Pokorra (@tpokorra). #447
- 2023-06-30 LDAP auth sync: Fixed permissions removed in LDAP not being reliably removed from users in Znuny.
- 2023-06-29 Added missing salutation and signature to notification for user mentions. Thanks to Paweł Bogusławski (@pboguslawski). #420
- 2023-06-26 Fixed warning about missing article ID in AgentTicketNoteToLinkedTicket. Thanks to Paweł Bogusławski (@pboguslawski). #431
- 2023-06-21 Extend TicketArticleCreate transition action for a possibility to set a dynamic field of object type article and ticket.
- 2023-06-19 Fixed dynamic field type 'Webservice' admin dialog test field being read-only and not usable.
- 2023-06-02 S/MIME: Increased size of column 'email_address' of table 'smime_keys'.