((OTRS)) Community Edition 6.0.9
von Andreas Gerliz
#6.0.9 2018-07-24
- 2018-07-16 Updated translations, thanks to all translators.
- 2018-07-16 Fixed bug#13961 - ExternalTicketNumberRecognition not working correctly with spaces.
- 2018-07-16 Fixed bug#13964 - System configuration value validation error displayed for disabled settings.
- 2018-07-16 Fixed bug#13965 - Overridden SysConfig settings can be shown as disabled in the frontend.
- 2018-07-11 Fixed bug#13952 - Internal server error in AdminSystemConfiguration if you remove frontend registration and navigation modules.
- 2018-07-10 Fixed bug#13947 - Split selection dialog does not honor ACL restrictions.
- 2018-07-06 Fixed bug#13928 - Assigning customer group to chat modules results in constant connection error messages.
- 2018-07-06 Fixed bug#13948 - Some labels are not translated in ticket search screen.
- 2018-07-06 Fixed bug#13940 - Index missing on table article_data_mime.
- 2018-07-06 Fixed bug#13936 - Notification looses text for 'Additional recipient email addresses' when sizelimit 200 characters is exceeded.
- 2018-07-05 Fixed bug#13837 - Open and new tickets always at the end of the list when sorting by pending time since OTRS 6.
- 2018-07-05 Fixed bug#13943 - Untranslated word "last-search" in ticket search result screen.
- 2018-07-05 Fixed bug#13945 - Archived tickets won't be moved with StorageSwitch command.
- 2018-07-04 Fixed bug#13938 - Statistic: Internal Server Error when invalid date is set for x axis.
- 2018-07-04 Fixed bug#13937 - Default value for title is not displayed as default in Process Activity Dialog if field is shown.
- 2018-07-02 Fixed bug#13942 - Wrong title in browser window in statistics screens.
- 2018-07-02 Fixed bug#13901 - Error messages during RPM upgrade.
- 2018-07-02 Fixed bug#13790 - Toolbar Fulltext Search will not care for archiving settings.
- 2018-06-27 Fixed bug#13927 - Ticket Merge: "No merge state found! Please add a valid merge state" - Articles are invisible till next action.
- 2018-06-27 Fixed bug#13922 - SearchIndexModule misleading config description.
- 2018-06-27 Fixed bug#13700 - Layout issue with ticket split.
- 2018-06-27 Fixed bug#13839 - When doing a search from change management the results window does not expand.
- 2018-06-27 Fixed bug#13672 - Auto response names are not translated in Auto Responses screen of the Admin interface.
- 2018-06-25 Fixed bug#13919 - Adding a new favorite setting overwrites the existing favorite settings.
- 2018-06-25 Fixed bug#13923 - Sender name in article created by queue move "window" only shows FirstName.
- 2018-06-20 Follow-up fix for bug#13734 - Set the last valid Status Merge to invalid is allowed.
- 2018-06-19 Fixed bug#13408 - Setting for showing default fields in the search mask not working partially.
- 2018-06-19 Fixed bug#13906 - Validation for Pending date is active for non pending states.
- 2018-06-18 Fixed bug#13778 - otrs.Console.pl Admin::Package::UpgradeAll fails at installed ITSM package.
- 2018-06-18 Fixed bug#13894 - System log does not present timezone information.
- 2018-06-18 Fixed bug#13752 - Missing direction arrow for AgentTicketEmailOutbound.
- 2018-06-15 Fixed bug#13912 - Generic Agents looses text for notes when sizelimit 200 characters is exceeded.
- 2018-06-15 Fixed bug#13775 - ArticleLimit is not integrated for GenericInterface TicketGet.
- 2018-06-15 Fixed bug#13910 - LinkObject events are not working in web services due to missing LinkObject::EventModulePost configuration.
- 2018-06-14 Fixed bug#13913(PR#1936) - Searchable Article Fields not translated in AgentTicketSearch. Thanks to Robin.
- 2018-06-14 Fixed bug#13838 - WarnOnStopWordUsage not working for subject, body, from, to, cc.
- 2018-06-14 Fixed bug#13893 - Wrong descriptions for some system configurations.
- 2018-06-14 Fixed bug#12479 - Reply to a ticket locks the ticket and cancel unlocks it but does not reset owner.
- 2018-06-12 Fixed bug#13902 - Dialog submit is not possible for an appointment created by rule based on pending time.
- 2018-06-12 Fixed bug#13888 - Wrong charset in output while upgrading packages.
- 2018-06-07 Enhanced package manager:
- Not verified packages can't be installed by default (via GUI + OTRS console).
- Added sysconfig setting 'Package::AllowNotVerifiedPackages' to allow installation of not verified packages (disabled by default).
- Display a notification if setting 'Package::AllowNotVerifiedPackages' is active.
- 2018-06-07 Fixed bug#13842 - When splitting a ticket, the picture embedded in the letter body is not displayed in the child ticket.
- 2018-06-07 Added improvements to the support data collector plugins.
- 2018-06-06 Fixed bug#13873 - Wrong descripton for TicketNumberCounterCleanup setting in System Configuration.
- 2018-06-05 Fixed bug#13900 - Password authentication issue in Fedora 28 operating system.