((OTRS)) Community Edition 5.0.20
von Andreas Gerliz
- 2017-05-31 Updated translations, thanks to all translators.
- 2017-05-31 Improved SecureMode detection in Installer.
- 2017-05-31 Fixed bug#12765 - Show page buttons of dynamic fields are not displayed in mobile view.
- 2017-05-30 Masked passwords in Kernel/Config.pm and in files located in Kernel/Config/Files during SupportBundle create.
- 2017-05-30 Fixed bug#12740 - Notification to customer of the ticket is send more than once.
- 2017-05-30 Fixed bug#12745 - AgentTicketSearch missing 'Extended' param in Article and Ticket get methods.
- 2017-05-30 Fixed bug#12819 - Unable to select queue if it contains two spaces.
- 2017-05-30 Fixed bug#12855 - Webservice HTTPBasicAuth User and Password Field are not escaped correct.
- 2017-05-30 Fixed bug#12785 - Wrong convert for CustomerUser with '&' (amp) in adressbook in cc or bcc.
- 2017-05-29 Fixed bug#12735 - OTRS console does not allow adding of sub services when their name exists as a service.
- 2017-05-29 Fixed bug#12838 - Typo in SysConfig Frontend::NavBarModule###7-AgentTicketService.
- 2017-05-29 Follow-up fix for bug#9723 - TicketAccountedTime stat does not run on Oracle with many tickets.
- 2017-05-29 Fixed bug#12762 - Missing information in the process ticket (follow up Bug 12443).
- 2017-05-26 Fixed bug#12482 - Show link URL of DF doesn't work in CustomerTicketZoom.
- 2017-05-26 Fixed bug#12853 - Notification tags like OTRS_CUSTOMER_DATA_* not working in AgentTicketEmail signature field.
- 2017-05-26 Fixed bug#12849 - Default entry sorting broken for e.g. AgentTicketPhone if 'Ticket::Frontend::ListType' set to 'list'.
- 2017-05-23 Fixed bug#11243 - Wrong escalation time if response time set to 60 or less minutes.
- 2017-05-23 Fixed bug#12797 - Unknown Customer is not displayed in a Process Dialog.
- 2017-05-19 Fixed bug#12801 - Set Role validity state to invalid, doesn't effect permissions.
- 2017-05-19 Follow-up fix for bug#12701 - Default values of "Owner" and "Responsible" fields placed in the activity dialogs in the process tickets cannot be settled.
- 2017-05-19 Fixed bug#12834 - NotificationTag of a Date field displays a time-stamp "00:00".
- 2017-05-17 Fixed bug#12749 - Logo doesn't scale well on mobile view.
- 2017-05-17 Fixed bug#12743 - ACLs with ticket conditions are not matching on process list in AgentTicketProcess.
- 2017-05-17 Fixed bug#12832 - Sort options for SOAP will not be saved.
- 2017-05-12 Fixed bug#12796 - GenericInterface only works with FastCGI for GET requests.
- 2017-05-11 Fixed bug#12216 - Inconsistent behaviour in pop-ups which lock tickets.
- 2017-05-11 Fixed bug#12809 - Unable to select queue if queue comment is empty (with modified Ticket::Frontend::NewQueueSelectionString).
- 2017-05-11 Fixed bug#10685 - Removing an agent's access to a ticket while he is viewing the ticket leads to interface issues on the agent's side.
- 2017-05-10 Fixed bug#12572 - Non-process tickets generate error messages in the syslog if process data are allowed to be displayed.
- 2017-05-10 Fixed bug#10569 - DynamicField of type date resets after ticket split.
- 2017-05-10 Fixed bug#6144 - Invaild System Email Address Problem.
- 2017-05-10 Fixed bug#7913 - Incorrect parsing of Content-Type with additional attributes.
- 2017-05-09 Fixed bug#4424 - Package Manager rebuild() creates invalid XML packages.
- 2017-05-09 Fixed bug#12613 - Accents are missing from accented letters.
- 2017-05-09 Fixed bug#12498 - An invalid date used in a search attribute returns a wrong result..
- 2017-05-09 Fixed bug#4424 - Package Manager rebuild() creates invalid XML packages.
- 2017-05-09 Fixed bug#8249 - System addresses should be unique.
- 2017-05-09 Fixed bug#12417 - Missing CustomerCompanyName column from LinkObject.
- 2017-05-09 Fixed bug#9972 - Spelling check unit test is not working correctly.
- 2017-05-09 Fixed bug#12086 - Labels overflows for some languages.
- 2017-05-09 Fixed bug#12697 - Ticket menu in customer interface doesn't expand on touchscreen devices.
- 2017-05-09 Updated UnitTest DynamicFieldFromCustomerUser with new scenarios (bug#12587).
- 2017-05-09 Fixed bug#12389 - Attachments with alias charsets are not properly processed in GenericInterface.
- 2017-05-08 Fixed bug#8249 - System addresses should be unique.
- 2017-05-08 Fixed bug#6751 - Problem if service name gets to long, or if service has too many subservices.
- 2017-05-08 Fixed bug#8249 - System addresses should be unique.
- 2017-05-08 Fixed bug#12286 - Article body with non-allowed characters breaks SOAP response.
- 2017-05-08 Fixed bug#12193 - Article never decrypted when StoreDecryptedData set to no.
- 2017-05-08 Fixed bug#12347 - Error message "No such TicketID" on ticket delete.
- 2017-05-08 Fixed bug#11508 - Change Date has a confussing label in the ticket list statistic result.
- 2017-05-05 Fixed bug#12791 - ArticleSend Documentation is incorrect.