About Vision

With "Vision" we have developed a module for the browser interface IcingaWeb2, with whose help you can easily create extensive graphics for your ICINGA2 monitoring. Due to the automatic filling with the appropriate status values you are able to convert the data available in Icinga2 visually and evaluate it much better. Vision serves as an editor for the creation of so-called diagrams, which you can design as you wish. Examples would be the world/ Europe map or the floor plan of your company building. These maps can be extended with the live status values provided by Icinga2. Vision allows you to place hosts and services on the chart according to your needs, allowing you to see problems or failures at a glance. Diagrams created can also be displayed as widgets on your dashboard.


The editor is the basis of Vision, it allows the creation of diagrams. The diagrams are maps/images on which the individual host and service objects are placed. With the help of the editor you can graphically display your IT infrastructure and thus see failures or problems at a glance.

Vision Objects

The following objects can be used to create the diagrams:






text boxes


own pictures







Objects can also be merged into templates, see below.


All objects and templates can be linked with connecting lines.

Linking hosts and services to objects

The core feature of Vision is linking objects and connecting lines to hosts and services. Hosts and services can either be placed on objects by dragging and dropping them from the Object browser, or they can be linked using the context menu. These objects always display the desired live status from the Icinga 2.


The editor has many editing functions. Among them, it offers the possibility to adjust the canvas size to existing elements via a crop function.

There is a grid mode that displays an auxiliary grid and allows the user to align the objects with this grid. Furthermore, the editor has the function to group objects together, and the Undo/Redo function can be used to undo editing steps.

With the help of a front/back button, individual diagram elements can be lifted into the foreground or background.



Vision enables the creation of templates. Templates are objects that consist of your own images or the objects of the palette. A template can be used as a template for the diagrams. Thus, Vision makes it possible to use objects once they have been created over and over again.

Customizable Polygon

The special zoom function for creating polygons in Vision makes it possible to display objects in great detail. These objects can later be filled with live status information and change their color according to the current status of the host, e.g. Up, Down, Unreachable, etc.


Each label (text field) can be given all information of the host about the input of macros.


Diagrams can be tagged to make them easier to find or classify. These tags can be easily created using the tag list on the left and dragged and dropped to the diagram. In addition, this tag list can be used to filter diagrams that are assigned to a specific tag.

Diagram in diagram

Diagrams can be linked to objects on other diagrams. A tooltip shows the status and a preview of the linked diagram.

Download Vision Testversion

Vision 1.2 trial version, unlimited use. Trial version limited to 8 diagrams, 8 hosts per diagram and 8 services per diagram. After a short registration you can download the trial version from the website.

Vision Changelog

Minor Release 2.0.2

by Jannis Raasch

Changelog (Version 2.0.2)



  • [#263] Error in overview if diagrams contains objects where user has no rights
  • [#250] Link-Object does not work in Polygons and Diamond
  • [#248] Object browser does not respect user restrictions
  • [#245] Diagram can not be used as dashlet, height is wrong
  • [#243] Last added image is not displayed correctly
  • [#242] Display of the wrong version number of vision



  • [#5] Icingashot runs in timeout using icinga2 with https
  • [#4] Using of Icingashot leads to server going out of memory
  • [#3] Update requirements for icingashot in documentation


Minor Release 2.0.1

by Michael Rütten

Changelog (Version 2.0.1)


  • [#237] State is still not correctly inherited
  • [#238] ACK and DT modifier of state are not inherited to other diagram
  • [#239] view-only user can still edit tags
  • [#240] status colors do not respect ack and dt modifiers


Major Release 2.0

by Michael Rütten

Changelog (Version 2.0)

Key features

  • Vision 2.0.0 has been prepared to accommodate the new default IcingaDB data structure, fully taking advantage of it.
  • Role-based permissions can now be defined, with a specific 'vision/edit' permission that grants designated users the ability to create, update, and delete diagrams. Additionally, the 'restrictions' setting enables fine-grained access control for diagrams based on name prefixes (Please note that prefix restrictions are only compatible with the new IcingaDB data structure)
  • Have you ever wished to eliminate the 'icingaweb2' URL segment while retaining access to Vision? Now, you can.

Vision Improvements

  • [improvement] #231 Customize icon color of ACK + Downtime
  • [improvement] #233 Adapt new icingadb datastructure which is default in Iciniga 2.11.4
  • [improvement] #234 Update vision design to fit icinga themes
  • [improvement] #232 integrate view permissions
  • [bug] #226 Status inheritance over multiple diagrams didn`t work
  • [bug] #227 Faulty status display of the diagrams
  • [bug] #230 Scaling of diagrams could be better
  • [bug] #228 Boxes of the diagrams are displayed incorrectly


#217 "/icingaweb2/vision" hard coded in vision module - after changing Web config vision module does not work anymore

Major Release 1.4

by Martin Haubold

Changelog (Version 1.4)


  • Status der Overview wird nun alle 30 Sekunden aktualisiert.
  • Diagramme, welche auf Diagrammen verlinkt sind, wurden gefixed. Sowohl das Bild als auch der Status werden nun korrekt angezeigt.
  • Verlinkte Diagramme können nun Problemlos gelöscht werden.
  • "Usort" PHP Fehler wurde behoben.
  • Frontend wurde angepasst, sodass beide Themes (Light,Dark) gut nutzbar sind.



  • Neue Icons wenn sich ein Host oder Service in Downtime befindet oder Acknowledged ist

Major Release 1.3

by Martin Haubold

Changelog (Version 1.3)


  • Das Design wurde an das neue Standard-Theme von IcingaWeb 2.10 angepasst (Light- und Dark-Mode).


Zur korrekten Darstellung von Thumbnails wird empfohlen, das Light- Theme zu nutzen. In älteren Versionen von Icinga Web2 (< als 2.10) kann es auf Grund des geänderten Designs zu Darstellungsfehlern kommen

Major Release 1.2

by Andreas Gerliz

  • MAC Optimierung
  • PHP 8 Support
  • Neues Template (Österreich-Karte)
  • Connection-Mode Node-Platzierung ist nun per Shift-Key möglich (vorher Strg+Alt)
  • Die Notification-Bar verschwindet nicht mehr hinter der Sidebar
  • Icingashot-Plugin Output angepasst
  • Allgemeines Styling der Input- und Dropdown-Felder wurde angepasst
  • Standard Tag-Farbe ist nun das Icinga-Blau und nicht mehr Grau
  • Standard vision.conf Modulpfad entspricht nun dem Standard Modulpfad von Icinga

system requirements

The basic requirements for using Vision are PHP 7 and PHP 8, Icinga Web 2 - Version 2.7.x to .11.1

Requirements for Diagram-Thumbnails/-Screenshots with status colours:
pkill, Chrome/Chromium, IcingaWeb2 and Icinga2 need to run on the same host

Please do not hesitate to contact us: +49 441 390 10 10 40