
Znuny / ((OTRS)) CE and i-doit

The ((OTRS)) Community Edition - i-doit interface supports linking of i-doit objects with ((OTRS)) Community Edition tickets. A new "((OTRS)) Community Edition" category is assigned to all object types. This category shows all ((OTRS)) Community Edition tickets for the corresponding object. There is also the possibility to create a new ticket for this object. A link to this object is automatically created.

On the ((OTRS)) Community Edition side, all associated/affected objects for the open ticket are displayed. When creating a ticket in ((OTRS)) Community Edition ticket, you can select whether and with which i-doit objects the new ticket will be linked. To do so, all objects associated with a customer are listed after entering the customer. All other objects can also be associated with tickets.

Associating i-doit objects with ((OTRS)) Community Edition tickets

When creating tickets, you can associate the affected i-doit object to each ticket.

Creating tickets in i-doit

Create your tickets directly from the i-doit object.

Added value

Shorter processing times through a central display of important information for configuration items.

Webinar ((OTRS)) Community Edition <> i-doit




Ticket creation in Znuny / ((OTRS)) CE
Widgets in Znuny / ((OTRS)) CE
Ticket history in i-doit
Ticket creation in i-doit
Ticket creation in i-doit

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